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Copyright Tony Mooney and others.

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Last updated on 24 July, 2023 at 10:53 AM

84th Entry

84th Entry blazer badge. RAF Roundel. Apprentice Wheel. Also used for Boy Entrants. RAF Roundel. 84th Entry blazer badge. Apprentice Wheel. Also used for Boy Entrants.

Civilian Clothes

When we started at RAF Locking in September 1956 we were not allowed to wear civilian clothes when we were off duty either on the camp or when we were allowed outside. Sometime during our three years there certain Apprentices NCOs were allowed to wear approved civilian clothes. I’m not clear if it started with blazer and flannels and lounge suits or just one of them but it but I can remember it included both at some point. It was also extended to include the senior entry and eventually all apprentices.


(Copied from the Locking Review Vol. 1 No. 5 1959)

The year under review saw the extension to members of the six senior entries, of the privilege of wearing approved pattern civilian clothes. In addition, Apprentice N.C.O.s are now permitted to wear lounge suits during certain specified off-duty periods. This extension of privileges has been greatly appreciated.